The first day of the semester is one of my favorite days and I spend most of it in the College Center along with many colleagues.
As the traffic ebbs and flows, the directions to the D-wing, the second and third floors of X, and for the first time, pointing out the T-Building (Applied Technology Center) are repeated time and again. Campus signage seems to be helping quite a bit, but nothing beats that personal attention and connection, especially on the first few days of classes.
Unfortunately, the Colleague system slow-downs are frustrating those on the front lines. From the server side, the load on the system appears to be minimal and there seems to be no additional stress on the system that we can identify, yet screen load times are extraordinarily slow.
We have opened up a conversation with the Datatel consultant last week and have made the decision to add more processors to better spread the load and cover additional users. The new hardware install should hopefully improve the overall situation. Unfortunately, this will take time. I appreciate you doing the best you can serving students.
Convocation is coming up on Thursday this week and we are looking forward to the event and subsequent festivities and information sharing as we try to engage our students in a variety of opportunities throughout the semester. I would encourage you to attend all or part of the day.
Lastly, we will be scheduling some time for a “talkback” session for anyone interested in sharing thoughts about the planned “investment in ideas” that I talked about in the opening session last week. This will be an opportunity to share your thoughts and perceptions with the Vice Presidents and me as the committee begins their work to structure the program. Details will be forthcoming and the session(s) will be open to all.
Have a great week.