Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Being a Trustee

Today is Election Day and there are three seats on the ballot for Parkland College Trustees.  It seems fitting to share some information I read recently regarding the role of the Trustee at a Community College. 

It is a good list.

Ten Questions for Boards 

1.    Are we satisfied with the college’s mission and financial position? If not, is it time for the board to consider changing the college vision and mission?

2.    Does the college’s strategic plan reflect changes we’ve experienced in the last three years?

3.    Do the board and the president have a shared understanding of the college’s strategic direction?

4.    Could the college better align its financial, human and other resources with its strategic plan?

5.    Do we know how much change is needed now to assure a strong future for the college?

6.    When our financial support drops, do we recognize our loss of capacity with specific cuts?  Do we explain that to the public?

7.    Is the college systematically identifying and pursuing efficiencies and increases in productivity?

8.    Is the college investing in new ventures for which there are strongly favorable cost-benefit analysis?

9.    Do faculty and staff understand the college’s situation and how they can help?

10.  Does the board have a scorecard or dashboard that regularly shows the college’s financial and academic health as well as the progress that it is making on moving toward its preferred future?

-       adopted from the Association of Governing Board’s Trusteeship, Nov/Dec 2010, p. 31

What would you add?


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