Friday, January 27, 2012

Food for Thought

You may have heard that the Parkland College Board of Trustees approved the bids for the Student Servies Center on January 25th.

What you may not have heard yet is that in preparation for expanded food services in the Student Services Center, we have been investigating our options for food service. 

Currently, we are served by Chartwell's and have been for the past ten or so years.

About a year ago, we coordinated a Request for Proposals, a survey of staff,and students, and site visits to responding companies. 

Our intent was to both assess our current services as well as the wants and desires of our student population, staff, and faculty. Student Government leaders were very much involved in the process, given that most of our student (and staff) feedback over the past few years has been quite critical of both cost and quality of services from our current vendor, Chartwells.
The process culminated at the Board meeting on the 25th, where our consultant  outlined the results of our process. Two Student Government representatives will briefly discuss their opinions followed by Linda Moore and Jim Bustard, who led the process.

At the conclusion of their report, I recommended to the Board that we enter into an agreement with a new vendor, Food for Thought, based in the Chicago-area. See:

Although Food For Though is a smaller, regional company, their food quality and approach to academic institutions is, in our opinion, superior to what we currently have. 

We are anticipating a change-over around spring break. I am excited about the possibilities. 


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Construction Update 1.11.2012

Construction Update – January 11, 2011
Applied Technology Center (ATC) – This new construction is approximately 64,000 SF and is being partially funded by the State of Illinois through the Capital Development Board.  The facility will house the comprehensive Automotive Programs, Ford Asset, Collision Repair, Industrial Technology, and Welding.  Interior masonry and metal walls are almost complete, and mechanical systems are continuing to be installed.  Exterior windows and overhead doors are being installed currently.  The project is scheduled to be ready for classes in fall 2012.
Automotive Lab

Automotive Lab North Side

Window Installation, South Side 

South Collision Overhead Doors

Paint Booth Area in Collision Lab

Wing Remodeling –The X Wing  2nd and 3rd floors have new carpet and stair treads installed. Trim work and remodeling are continuing.

3rd Floor X Wing Study Area

New Stair Flooring

Student Services Center – This project is approximately 96,000 SF of new space that will house all student service functions, including additional student lounge and food service space.   Architects Perkins and Will have completed the design and construction documents, and the Capital Development Board has approved all plans.  Bids will be opened on January 12, 2012, with results presented for Board of Trustee approval at the January 2012 Board meeting.  Construction should begin in spring 2012.  The intent is to have the facility completed in fall of 2013 or spring of 2014.

Fitness Center – This project is an addition to the existing Dodds Athletic Center.  The completion of this project would give the College a new "state of the art" athletic facility with space for Kinesiology, dance and aerobics, strength training, an indoor walking track, new locker rooms and team rooms, and coach’s offices.  Included in this project would be the remodeling of the lower level of the gymnasium.  Remodeling of the locker rooms and team rooms is complete, and restrooms should be completed by January 15. The new addition site work is on schedule with the walls, floors, and structural steel work completed.   Work on the new north entryway is underway, as is roofing and initial installation of mechanical systems.  Completion of the project is scheduled for August of 2012.

Exterior Looking Southwest

North Exterior and New Entry Area

Interior Fitness Area

Men’s Restroom Remodel

Roof Repair Phase IIThe second phase of roof repair and replacement was started in August.  Work on the Dodds Athletic Center, the L Wing, and the M Wing are underway.  New metal roof panels are being installed on sloped roof areas, and single ply rubber roofing is being installed on all flat roof areas. The contractor has completed work in the M Wing and athletic center and is working on roofs on the L Wing as weather allows.  The project is scheduled to be completed in May 2012.

L Wing Roof Ready for Metal Shingles

A Wing Roof Partially Complete

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Top Ten

The week before the semester begins is busy time for both students as well as staff and faculty. In particular, the Admission and Financial Aid offices field an enormous number of phone calls, emails, and walk-in traffic.

Occasionally, there comes a phone call that is truly worth celebrating. Lori Sprague in Admissions has kept track of a few of the most entertaining bits and I share them (with permission) secure in the knowledge that at least one will bring a smile to your face.

Yes, they all actually happened.

  1. Do you have degrees in Bounty Hunting or do I have to take bull***t classes first?
  2. You are not doing what I want, you need to be more of an active listener.
  3. I’d like to make a hair appointment.  I don’t understand, you do massages and clean teeth, why don’t you do hair?  That doesn’t make any sense.
  4. I’ll tell you what I’m going to do.  I’m going to take a deep breath, I’m going to hang up the phone, and I’m going to call back and hope that I get someone different.
  5. Do you know milliliters?  I need to convert milliliters to ounces.  Can you tell me how to do that?
  6. I’d like to order a transcript, but I need to tell you what classes I want on it before you transfer it to the U of I.
  7. We need toilet paper out here!  I’m out in the S building and we are completely out of toilet paper!
  8. I’ U of I student...
  9. Hi, can you tell me where the parties are?  I heard you have a lot of parties down there and I need to know where they are.
  10. I’d like to have my car worked on, can I make an appointment with you?


R,P,& C + Standards